About us
Urban&Civic is an established property development and investment company. We have significant in-house expertise across site assembly, planning, project management, delivery, community engagement and sales.
We are proud to share our Sustainability Framework, and to build on our strong grounding as a business which has sustainable value creation at its heart.
At Urban&Civic, we have set ourselves ambitious goals on sustainable value creation with a five-year time horizon towards 2025, commencing October 2020. The business has laid out its agreed framework, our five capitals with their key objectives, and defined action areas and metrics which span a host of important and intersecting sustainability activity.
As we look forward, we are aware that Urban&Civic is taking on large challenges between now and 2025. We are looking forward to taking the next steps on this commitment, with the aim of moving to capital carbon targets and aligning with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), including a net zero commitment for Scope 1–3 carbon emissions. This will demonstrate a big achievement for the business.
A second big challenge, and an area that Urban&Civic has long been championing, is that of biodiversity. We have set an enhanced biodiversity target of 25 per cent biodiversity net gain by 2025.
Finally, we want to draw attention to our renewed focus on health and wellbeing. Our intention is to create a health and wellbeing culture at Urban&Civic that permeates all our activities and is captured through metrics in multiple action areas. The way that we track and report on this will be important to demonstrate the intersectional nature of the challenge.
This Framework is informed by longer-term considerations and strategic drivers of national and international significance. In light of this, our 2025 targets are just the first strategic milestone in our formalised approach to delivering sustainability at an organisational and site level.
Incremental growth and periodic review of our metrics is crucial to our approach, which will be based on the concept of continuous improvement. We believe that this will allow us to successfully respond to changing business needs and stakeholder expectations.
We shall continue to explore ways to increase our positive impact and measure it more effectively to maximise the shared value we create. We envision that the partnership with our house builders will, in particular, evolve our mutual understanding of the challenges faced by this sector and the potential additional factors to be incorporated and influenced by the master developer role.
We welcome discussion and insight from all readers of this Framework.
Please get in touch with our team at Urban&Civic:
Richard Quartermaine, Head of Sustainability
Group Directors
Richard Hepworth
James Scott