
Milton Keynes



Total size:

1,320 acres

Site details


 anticipated homes


primary schools


secondary school

Site details:

  • Following the unrivalled success of the first 50 years as England's most successful New Town, Milton Keynes North provides the strategic opportunity for the city to grow as the next logical phase of the expansion towards achieving the stated aim of a population exceeding 500,000 residents.

  • Working with the adjacent landowner's, The Society of Merchant Venturers and Taylor Wimpey, U&C is developing ambitious plans to deliver between 15,000 – 21,500 new homes, a new J14a on the M1, a sustainable mass rapid transit line linking the site back to Central Milton Keynes that crosses over a new iconic landmark bridge.

  • The new community will comprise of multi-tenure homes for all, strategic employment adjacent to the new J14a, local and district centres and full range of education opportunities all set in a fully integrated green infrastructure framework.


  • A combination of U&C freehold land and Option Agreements to acquire from adjacent landowners.
