Urban&Civic plc (the "Company")
AGM Statement / Results of AGM
Urban&Civic, the property investor and developer, gave a brief presentation to shareholders at today's Annual General Meeting ("AGM"), a copy of which can also be viewed on the Company's website at www.urbanandcivic.com.
Nigel Hugill, Chief Executive, reaffirmed the expectation that the Company will at least meet guidance of 1,200 plot sales in the financial year to 30 September 2020.
The Company further announces that, at the AGM, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority. Each of the resolutions put to the AGM were voted on by way of a poll. The results of the poll for each resolution are shown in the table below.
Resolution |
For (number of shares)
For (%) |
Against (number of shares)
Against (%) |
Votes Withheld
Total issued share capital instructed (%) |
1. |
To receive and adopt the accounts of the Company for the year ended 30 September 2019. |
121,084,355 |
99.99% |
10,719 |
0.01% |
162,617 |
83.43% |
2. |
To approve the directors' remuneration report. |
119,216,760 |
98.32% |
2,032,633 |
1.68% |
8,298 |
83.53% |
3. |
To declare a final dividend for the year of 2.5p pence per share. |
121,250,192 |
99.99% |
7,500 |
0.01% |
0 |
83.54% |
4. |
To re-elect Alan Dickinson as a director of the Company. |
119,029,489 |
98.16% |
2,228,202 |
1.84% |
0 |
83.54% |
5. |
To re-elect Nigel Hugill as a director of the Company. |
121,081,207 |
99.85% |
176,485 |
0.15% |
0 |
83.54% |
6. |
To re-elect Robin Butler as a director of the Company. |
121,081,207 |
99.85% |
176,485 |
0.15% |
0 |
83.54% |
7. |
To re-elect David Wood as a director of the Company. |
119,309,866 |
98.39% |
1,947,826 |
1.61% |
0 |
83.54% |
8. |
To re-elect Ian Barlow as a director of the Company. |
113,236,278 |
93.38% |
8,021,414 |
6.62% |
0 |
83.54% |
9. |
To re-elect June Barnes as a director of the Company. |
121,066,552 |
99.84% |
191,140 |
0.16% |
0 |
83.54% |
10. |
To elect Rosemary Boot as a director of the Company. |
121,067,945 |
99.85% |
182,247 |
0.15% |
7,500 |
83.54% |
11. |
To re-elect Jon Di-Stefano as a director of the Company. |
121,075,418 |
99.85% |
180,319 |
0.15% |
1,955 |
83.54% |
12. |
To elect Sanjeev Sharma as a director of the Company. |
121,074,321 |
99.85% |
181,416 |
0.15% |
1,955 |
83.54% |
13. |
To re-appoint BDO LLP as auditor to the Company. |
120,247,951 |
99.17% |
1,001,908 |
0.83% |
7,833 |
83.54% |
14. |
To authorise the directors to determine the auditor's remuneration. |
121,241,779 |
99.99% |
14,800 |
0.01% |
1,013 |
83.54% |
15. |
To authorise the directors to allot equity securities. |
109,173,612 |
90.03% |
12,083,400 |
9.97% |
680 |
83.54% |
16. |
To disapply statutory pre-emption rights.* |
121,247,887 |
99.99% |
9,575 |
0.01% |
230 |
83.54% |
17. |
To disapply statutory pre-emption rights (acquisitions and capital investment)* |
121,229,617 |
99.98% |
27,844 |
0.02% |
230 |
83.54% |
18. |
To authorise the directors to make market purchases of shares of the Company.* |
121,210,161 |
99.99% |
15,460 |
0.01% |
32,070 |
83.52% |
19. |
To authorise the making of political donations by the Company. |
120,916,024 |
99.73% |
331,668 |
0.27% |
10,000 |
83.53% |
20. |
To authorise the Company to call any general meeting of the Company other than the annual general meeting by notice of at least 14 clear days.* |
105,201,262 |
86.76% |
16,056,097 |
13.24% |
333 |
83.54% |
*Special Resolution
1. All resolutions were passed.
2. Proxy appointments which gave discretion to the Chairman of the AGM have been included in the "For" total for the appropriate resolution.
3. Votes "For" and "Against" any resolution are expressed as a percentage of votes cast for that resolution.
4. A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the percentage of shares voted "For" or "Against" any resolution nor in the calculation of the proportion of "Total issued share capital instructed" for any resolution.
5. The number of shares in issue at close of business on 6 February 2020 was 145,148,088 (the "Share Capital") and at that time the Company did not hold any shares in Treasury.
6. The proportion of "Total issued share capital instructed" for any resolution is the total of votes validly cast for that resolution (i.e. the total votes "For" and "Against" that resolution) expressed as a percentage of the Share Capital.
7. The full text of the resolutions passed at the AGM can be found in the Notice of Annual General Meeting which is available on the Company's website at www.urbanandcivic.com
8. A copy of resolutions 15 to 20 passed at the AGM will shortly be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm
9. The complete poll results will be available shortly on the Company's website at www.urbanandcivic.com