Yet another summer of youth games at Priors Hall Park


The ever-popular Youth Games in the Amphitheatre event returned to Priors Hall Park this summer bringing hundreds of visitors to development’s centrepiece.

Children (and parents) enjoyed a range of fun-filled activities for young people, in a continued triumph for local partnership working. Qualified sports coaches from North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) offered dodgeball, archery, swingball and other games, while volunteers from Weldon Rock Solid Youth Club ran craft activities, a games tables and sumo suits. The Corby Safer Communities Team held a popular ‘beer goggles catch challenge’ alongside information and advice on local services for families and young people.

NNC have brought their sports coaches to the amphitheatre every Thursday in the school holidays for two hours of multi-sports sessions, aimed at 5-12 year olds. We’re delighted to be working with our local partners; promoting active lifestyles and bringing our community together especially as they get on average four times as many participants at Priors Hall compared to similar activities in other locations.