
We work with a number of law firms to manage risk across our portfolio.

Given the breadth of the work and the fact that commercial deadlines require projects to be completed quickly, we spend additional time briefing our legal teams on our business and the risks and opportunities we are facing on the ground.

Earlier this year, for example, we invited our entire Mills & Reeve team to Alconbury for a joint workshop and site tour. This was extremely helpful for all involved and fostered a much wider understanding of how both companies work. In particular the lawyers got to see the direct result of their legal work manifested in physical delivery on site, which provided real context for matters in the future.


“Working closely with the Urban&Civic team on sites and seeing the developments grow from the ground up gives us a deeper understanding of project implementation. With that comes a better appreciation of how we can fine tune our work to ensure the best outcomes. We take great delight in seeing how the words on our pages are transforming into new places.”

Christine de Ferrars Green, Partner at Mills & Reeve LLP