
Employee engagement was overhauled in 2019 with a new format for the annual staff conference where members of the team took on the roles of daytime talk show hosts, aimed at creating and presenting more engaging content. The day featured a mix of one-on-one in-depth interviews, entertaining activities with audience participation and fun segments linking the U&C business to food, fashion and fitness. Refreshingly informative, the agenda covered business growth, culture and values, and an insight into our governance as well as features on HR, Learning and Development and Internal Communications, and contextual analysis of the political and economic landscape and our navigation through this. We even had a cooking session on how to bake the Master Developer way. We piloted the use of polling app Slido to provide us with real time audience feedback, insight and questions. The annual conference ranked one of the most influential and powerful tools for internal communications in an employee survey in February 2019, driving the continued investment into innovating and growing this valuable engagement tool for the business. The conference forms a key part of our internal communications strategy for 2020.