Outdoor activities were high on the agenda at Houlton in Summer 2021. May saw the return of the popular Really Wild at Houlton Event where TV Presenter Mike Dilger spent two days on site educating residents on ecology, wildlife, and vegetation. On the first day, Mike recorded a mini series of eight videos which would be shared on social media for residents to watch – some of which were isolating or shielding. The campaign encouraged residents to look out for nature in their garden and on walks out of home, sometimes all you need to do is pause and hear the many varieties of bird call at Houlton.

On day two Mike hosted four outdoor events in the Houlton open green space, each one dedicated to a different age group ranging from 4 years old to adults, with one specifically catering to a teenage audience. The activities were selected based on age and included bug traps, a dusk chorus walk, mammals and flower identification. Each event observed social distancing to offer comfort to individuals who were cautious about being out of the house.

Resident feedback from the event was superb and this event has now been repeated on other Urban&Civic sites such as Alconbury and Wintringham.


The really wild events were great, our family enjoyed learning about the birds you can hear during dusk and Mike Dilger was extremely knowledgeable. We look forward to attending this event next year.”

Really Wild event