A partnership that is transforming lives


Brought together through the transformation and build creation of the school, the partnership of organisations behind the new Houlton School are not finished building, just yet determined to keep building, metaphorically speaking. “There is still so much we can do to leverage more benefits for pupils and the wider community through our continued partnership work” said Johanne Thomas, Urban&Civic’s Regional Director for Communities and Partnerships and is also Chair of the Houlton School governing body. “There is still so much we can do to leverage more benefits for pupils and the wider community through our continued partnership work. The project really connected with everyone that’s been involved in it’s creation through the supply chain and operation. Nobody wanted to walk away after completion, so we have kept going, kept meeting and are seeing huge benefits from our efforts within the school and wider community.”

The partnership comprises Urban&Civic, the Transforming Lives Educational Trust (TLET), Houlton School, vHH architects, Morgan Sindall, the DfE, Houlton Residents Association, Rugby Borough Council and Warwickshire County Council.

Over £13,000 of investment has been leveraged through the supply chain to support the setup of the school with books, outdoor furniture and a trophy cabinet amongst other things. Sponsorship work is continuing through the partnership with U&C supporting the school to leverage from the Houlton supply chain including contractors and housebuilders.

We have hosted over 200 people to visit and look around the school since its opening including local and National media and even Nigel Hugill’s mother! Local historian Malcolm Hancock, whom the school has aptly named its library after, has also been a guest to the school and will return to continue the pupil’s education on Rugby Radio Station and the former life of their school building.


I have never before experienced the extent of partnership that I have through the creation of Houlton School. Through U&C’s stewardship and their investment into the wider Houlton community, we have worked together to bring so many additional benefits for the children. Equipment and kit that is often lacking in such a new school, and I look forward to continuing this as the school grows and community grows around us.”



The CUA for Houlton School was crafted around the growing community, based on sustainability, active travel and a clear joined-up approach with the school. It is rare to find that blend of passion, drive and partnership between such a range of organisations.”

Chief Officer for Leisure and Wellbeing at Rugby Borough Council