Houlton scores a perfect 10 from Sport England against their new Active Design Guidance


Sport England, working with Active Travel England and the Office for Health Improvement Disparities, published the latest version of their Active Design Guidance earlier this year.

Active Design sets out how the design of our environments can help people to lead more physically active and healthy lives. It’s about helping to create ‘active environments’.

This is third iteration of the Guidance and features a full case study (three double pages no less) on how Houlton meets all 10 of the Active Design Principles. 

Indeed we have precedent for such collaboration with Alconbury having previously featured as a case study for their 2015 version.  

We will be hosting the boards of both Active Travel and Sports England up at Houlton early in 2024 following a workshop that the Office for Health Improvement Disparities held on site this year. Sharing information and learnings from our delivery is a key element of our wider stakeholder commitment.