
Urban&Civic has been working with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and the local surgery to bring forward early provision of health facilities within the existing space above the Co-op store in the Glade local centre at Alconbury Weald.

The original S106 agreement provided investment in the existing local surgery to provide capacity for the first phase of Alconbury Weald, but the various health crises and background growth outside of Alconbury Weald has impacted on the surgery’s capacity leading to support being needed sooner than planned.

The potential for the space above the Co-op to be used was identified as part of early scoping, and since then a project team has been working hard to design and deliver the new interim facility, and work it through extensive governance within the health system: including retrofitting design to deliver compliant and desirable clinical space for flexible uses; agreeing cost and financing, given this was outside of S106; getting buy in from clinical and community uses from the operating partners; and navigating through complex organizational governance. The process has given Urban&Civic helpful insights into the challenges of all partners in the delivery process, which will now help inform the delivery and process of future health delivery.

The facility is now due to open early 2025,and will mean local people can access health services - from GPs, to nurses, baby weighing and post natal care, talking therapies and other community services - within the Alconbury Weald development significantly earlier than originally expected, whilst work on a permanent healthcare facility is ongoing. The agreement provides the potential for the space to continue to provide services after this time if there is local need and the current assumption is that the facility will continue to offer complementary services to the permanent facility in the long term.

The plans show both the commitment, passion and innovation from the local surgery and Integrated Care Board working in partnership with Urban&Civic’s design and delivery team.

We know how important access to general practice is for local communities in and around Alconbury Weald. So, we’re pleased that we’ve been able to work together with our partners to secure this interim health facility, offering residents of Alconbury Weald NHS services close to home, whilst helping to relieve pressure on existing sites in the area.

Nicky Ward, Director of Strategy and Development with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough