
Alconbury Weald put together a busy calendar of events to join in the national Festival of Learning.

The Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England. The theme of the festival was “Have a go” encouraging adults to try something new.

Events covered a range of themes – from landscape walks describing the approach taken at Alconbury on habitats, to lampshade making, sports and fitness sessions and cookery and 3D printing demonstrations. The festival also marked International Picnic Day with a grand jamboree on Watch Office Green.

And finally, the festival saw the launch of the new iMET skill centre. EDGE played a pivotal part in the festival, with the Town Centre hub. The unit provided training sessions on varied topics from drumming and confidence building to CV writing and interview skills.


“With over 8,000 jobs coming up at Alconbury Campus, learning and skills development is a core priority and during the Festival of Learning we want to demonstrate the positive impact of lifelong learning and encourage more adults to see that it isn’t too late to learn new, potentially life-changing skills. It’s also a fantastic way for the local community to find out more about the new neighbourhood at Alconbury and meet new people whilst participating in fun and informative events.”

Victoria Denny – Morley Skills Lead for Urban&Civic