Discovering Waterbeach Barrack’s hidden past


Urban&Civic teamed up with Oxford Archaeology East this summer to give visitors to the Farmland Museum a glimpse into some of Waterbeach Barrack’s recently discovered past, dating back to the Iron Age.

The Waterbeach development is located at the junction of two important Roman regional transport links: the Roman road known as Akeman Street and the Old Tillage Roman canal. These connections made the area an appealing location for living and working, and the archaeology being undertaken is helping piece together the jigsaw of Waterbeach Barracks’ past.

At the archaeology exhibition, Discovering Waterbeach Barracks’ Past, visitors found out about the dig and the artefacts uncovered – from Roman pottery and coins to an amazing Bronze Age palstave axe-head – and what has been discovered so far about life there during the Iron Age and Early Roman period.


People generally think of the military heritage of the former airfield and barracks, but the archaeology is revealing fascinating insights into the everyday lives of our ancient ancestors: how they lived – and died – what they ate, and how they worked the land and traded what they needed. The exhibition was really well received and we’re looking forward to finding out what the next phase of archaeology reveals.”

Communities and Partnerships for Urban&Civic