
Last week, the Middlebeck community came together to plant up our green spaces with over 3,000 spring flowering bulbs, which will add that extra splash of colour in the spring. 

Huge thanks to everyone who offered their help on these two recent community bulb planting days. From the Christchurch School pupils who each planted a few bulbs and threw 'bee bombs' (wildflower seeds) into our grass verges, to the wider Middlebeck residents who cheerfully got their hands dirty, it was a real team effort. Even our neighbours, the residents of nearby King's Court Care Home, came out to offer their support and enjoyed watching the gardening in action. 

The idea was the brainchild of Middlebeck resident Rachel Lawlor, who had seen colourful spring flowers in other nearby villages and housing developments and wanted to encourage the same at Priors Hall. It's wonderful to see residents come forward with brilliant ideas like this, and we were only too happy to help make it a reality.

In a few months, Bowbridge Green and Bowbridge Square will be covered in vibrant colours - think Daffodils, Iris, Tulips, Crocus and more. Not only are we making our green spaces more beautiful, but we're also giving nature a helping hand.

We worked in partnership with local gardening expert Jonathan Gant to make this possible, - he was instrumental in planning the planting scheme, sourced a huge variety of bulbs direct from growers in Holland, as well as being present on both days to offer advice and guidance. 

Look out for the phots in next year’s annual report of when the flowers are in full bloom!