Market leadership is no overnight achievement. Processes continue to be refined by a team that has unique experience and the right skill set to lead on strategic sites. The Master Developer approach, with its emphasis on engagement, pace, scale, quality and sustainability, is woven into the DNA of our business. We think bigger, bolder and longer and we value being a trusted partner.
Work at Urban&Civic
For more information about working at Urban&Civic please visit our careers page.
We aim to maintain an open, diverse and inclusive working environment and encourage strong links between the workforce, management and the Board.
Why are they important?
It is essential for the performance and growth of our business to support and develop all of our employees, retain experience and broaden our base with new talent. We want all of our employees to understand the origins and support the values of our business so that our entire team are ambassadors for our vision and objectives.
What do they want from us?
- Fair comensation and benefits
- Comprehensive reward and recognition systems
- Positive work environment, culture and working relationships
- Clear expectations, goals and feedback
- Learning, development and career progression
- Challenging and engaging work
- Positive work-life balance
Methods of engagement
Employee engagement is continuous and operates at all levels throughout the business. Formal structures such as the Performance and Development Review process and employee communities such as the Employee Advisory Group (EAG) and Health and Wellbeing Committee complement regular discussions within teams, across projects and with the senior executives. There are entire business briefings via Microsoft Teams every fortnight led by our Chief Executive and Managing Director as well as an annual update at the Company Away Day. Social events occur throughout the year at office and project level, as well as the Christmas lunch where everyone gets together and the Values Awards are presented. Company induction days for all new employees include sessions with either the Chief Executive or Managing Director as well as the wider functions of the business and complement an extensive onboarding process. There are a number of surveys carried out which range from short pulse surveys on particular issues to the biennial employee engagement survey to track engagement over time. The Board is kept fully informed via minutes of meetings and specific reports/surveys as well as the ability to dial into Microsoft Teams briefing sessions. Culture and performance are regularly discussed and are reviewed at the Board strategy day. Non-Executive Board members also conduct site visits and talk to team members directly.
How we engaged in the year
The EAG met four times during the year with attendance by the Managing Director for a proportion of all of these meetings. The minutes of the EAG were presented in person by its rotating Chair to the Executive Management Committee and were also included in the Board papers. The employee engagement survey which was last undertaken in 2021 was repeated this year and included, at the Board’s request, specific questions around culture as well as diversity and inclusion. The annual Company Away Day was held in Corby and included not only updates on the business (including stakeholder engagement) but opportunities for the whole business to interact and be together. The success of the employee Values Awards, which were introduced by the EAG for the first time last year, means they have become an annual event and voting is underway.
Participation in the employee engagement survey increased from 93 per cent in 2021 to 97 per cent this year and we maintained our excellent engagement score of 91 per cent and were again presented with an Outstanding Workplace Award. There are a number of learnings to take from that survey including ensuring we provide greater opportunities for coaching and development of skills alongside support for career aspirations wherever possible. Key initiatives which have been implemented from the EAG this year include Company volunteering (with September now marked as our Corporate Volunteering Month), an annual foodbank challenge, policy changes, workplace and process improvements, learning and development (L&D) opportunities and benefit enhancements. Overall our business has grown by ten employees over the year and 95 per cent of employees achieved our target of undertaking at least ten hours of non-mandatory Company provided or sponsored learning, training or professional study during the year.