
Green places not spaces

Landscape is the most multifunctional part of any new community and must be the foundation of any new place. From amenity to biodiversity, from health and wellbeing to carbon sequestration and from design to education, understanding, supporting and delivering a truly productive and diverse landscape underpins our Master Developer Approach.

The Master Developer Approach:


Understand the role of the site within the wider landscape and fully assess its existing biodiversity.


Embed landscape at the heart of place making and recognise its role in our wider Sustainability Framework.


Upfront delivery of green and blue infrastructure maximising new connections and habitats.


Ensure landscape maintenance is part of landscape design and is then achieved through delivery and management contracts.


Incorporate landscape into design codes and work with our customers on ways we can all do more.


Host educational events for the community and provide landscape and biodiversity information so that everyone understands who their neighbours are and why they are important.


Celebrate great landscapes, learn lessons, refine and repeat.

Everyone and everything can benefit

At Houlton, the landscape strategy was initially focused around the existing population of great crested newts. Significant discussion took place with Natural England as to how we could incorporate significant and connected nature corridors that would run through the site. Working together we were able to agree a strategy which meant licences were issued soon after consent and works immediately started on site to define those corridors within phase 1 with the great crested newts then being trapped and placed in the newly created corridors. The landscape established, which included specially designed tunnels under primary roads, was then protected during the wider construction activity. The outcome has been exceptionally successful for both newts and residents alike. Really Wild events are regularly run at the site to highlight the biodiversity of their community and information is being prepared for Houlton’s schools that they can use the landscape as an educational resource. In a recent assessment by HomeViews, residents of Davidsons at Houlton recently voted their homes as the best Build to Sell homes in the country and cited the amount of green space around them as a key factor.

Landscape and community… growing together

Early investment in landscape creates a framework which grows with a new community as well as a sense of maturity from the outset. One of the key lessons from lockdown is the importance people place on the green spaces immediately around them. It is now a top factor in both home buying decisions and in terms of quality of life. For people, a multifunctional landscape provides space to walk, exercise, play, work, rest and learn. Alongside this and of equal importance is that for flora, fauna, entomological and other living organisms the same landscape is home and there needs to be areas which are just for them. Achieving a successful balance for all requires careful consideration early on but can be achieved and as a Master Developer this is a key responsibility.

What I love most about these homes is the amount of green space they provide.